• negative polarity Todd – In our current language system, the terms “light and dark”, and “Positive and Negativepolarity are being used interchangeably.
  • In linguistics, a polarity item is a lexical item that is associated with affirmation or negation. An affirmation is a positive polarity item, abbreviated PPI or AFF.
  • Negative polarity Examples
    • I cannot find a negative polarity in your sentence.
    • His negative polarity towards authority figures often got him into trouble at work.
  • Negative Polarity Items (NPIs), for example the indenites any, kanenas (in Greek), quoi que ce soit (in French), minimizers (e.g. lift a nger), the adverb yet, etc...
  • ..."excellent," or "satisfactory" which have a positive polarity, or it can take on fuzzy values like "poor" and "bad" which have a negative polarity.
  • What does negative polarity mean with electricity? The pole with relatively more electrons is said to have negative polarity; the other is assigned positive polarity.
  • Natural languages have two broad categories of polarity sensitive expressions: negative polarity items (NPIs) and positive polarity items (PPIs).
  • ...that their distribution is significantly more complex; specifically,someone/something-type PPIs share properties with negative polarity items (NPIs).
  • It has been recently shown that processing negative polarity action-related sentences modulates neural activity of premotor and motor cortices.
  • At the base level, there are Black Subtle Forces that exist in the Negative Polarity that especially connect to the material earth elements and the force of Gravity.