- saimaageopark.fi en/saimaa-canal-and-the-pontus-…The Pontus excavation, a 17th-century unsuccessful canal excavation, is located about 1 km north of the Mälkiä lock, along the Muukontie road and east of the...
- commons.wikimedia.org wiki/Category:Pontus_…
- spacezilotes.wordpress.com 2019/02/22/…This entry was posted in ARCHAEOLOGIE and tagged ARCHAEOLOGY EXCAVATIONS, KOLCHIAN ARCHELOGY, PICVNARI EXCAVATIONS, PONTUS...
- academia.edu 42866584/_A_New_Excavation_in_Pontic…The new excavations in Beycesultan provides very important archaeological data even though it has only been excavated for a short while.
- OpenTripMap.com en/card/Q17362543Se oli yritys rakentaa kanava Saimaalta Suomenvedenpohjaan, joka on Viipurinlahden äärimmäinen perukka ja osa Itämerta.
- omu.edu.tr en/icerik/news/pontus-kings-ottoman-…Excavations that began this year at Asarkale, located in Samsun, aim to shed light on the region's history, spanning from the Hellenistic period to the Ottoman era.
- tr.wikipedia.org PontusHelen, Roma ve Bizans dönemlerinde Trabzon İmparatorluğu'na kadar, bazı devletler ve vilayetler Pontus ismini almıştır.Bulunamadı: excavation
- ancient-origins.net pontusAncient Origins articles related to Pontus in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and.
- pontosworld.com index.php/history/articles/98-…As with Cyprus, Pontus's isolation assisted in the retention of many linguistic elements of Greek, long lost by the rest of Hellenism.Bulunamadı: excavation