- en.wikipedia.org Palatine rapheThe palatine raphe (also median palatine raphe) is a raphe of the oral cavity. It is a narrow, slight midline ridge extending anteroposteriorly across the palate...
- ifaa.unifr.ch Public/TNAEntryPage/auto/unit/LAEN/…The palatal raphe is an oral mucous region of hard palate [regio mucosae oralis palati duri]...
- imaios.com en/e-anatomy/anatomical-structure/…Along the middle line of the hard palate is a linear raphæ, the palatine raphe, which ends anteriorly in a small papilla corresponding with the incisive canal.
- medicine.en-academic.com 155913/raphe_palati[TA] palatine raphe: a narrow whitish streak at the midline of the roof of the mouth (both the hard and soft palates), extending from the incisive papilla to the tip of...
- a rather narrow, low elevation in the center of the hard palate that extends from the incisive papilla posteriorly over the entire length of the mucosa of the hard...
- easyanatomyapp.com digestive-system/hard-and-soft…It forms the roof of the oral cavity and is composed of two parts: the hard palate (palatum durum) and the soft palate (palatum molle). ... raphe palati.
- saglik.sozlugu.org palatine-raphe/palatine raphe. Damakta, orta çizgi üzerindeki, önden arkaya uzanan dar mukoza kabartısı; damak rafesi (Önde papilla incisiva’dan başlayıp arkada...Bulunamadı: palati
- saglikterimleri.com 29490-raphe-palati-nedir.htmlraphe palati. Sert damağın ortasında insisiv papilladan sert damak mukozası boyunca uzanan dar kabarıklık.
- translate.academic.ru raphe palati/la/xx/raphe palati — [TA] palatine raphe: a narrow whitish streak at the midline of the roof of the mouth (both the hard and soft palates)...
- embryology.med.unsw.edu.au embryology/index.php/…The palate anatomically separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity and structurally has a bony (hard) anterior component and a muscular (soft)...