• import React from 'react'; import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite". function Home({ store }) { const changeUser = () => { store.updateUser("New data")
  • As stated above, class based components are only supported through mobx-react, and not mobx-react-lite.
  • It is possible to read the stores provided by Provider using React.useContext, by using the MobXProviderContext context that can be imported from mobx-react.
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  • import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" import { makeAutoObservable } from "mobx" import { observer } from...
  • React for me it is functions that can render user interface and Mobx is classes that contains state of application.
  • It can be used with any framework but offers helper methods to use with React using react-mobx package.
  • Try this online React Mobx Playground with instant live preview and console.
  • Call clearTimers() in the afterEach of your tests to ensure that mobx-react-lite cleans up immediately and allows tests to exit.
    • Issues:
  • We will come from a Redux + React seed project and refactor it from Redux to MobX.
  • To sum up, this guide shows how we can connect React with Hooks and Classes with Mobx and TypeScript.