• The Red Guards were a mass, student-led, paramilitary social movement mobilized by Chairman Mao Zedong in 1966 until their abolishment in 1968...
  • The Red Guard, nicknamed Redrobes, was an elite organization of bodyguards trained to protect Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the head of state of the Galactic Republic.
  • It is no coincidence that in the Soviet press of those years he was compared with Hitler, and the “red guards” — with the assault detachments of the NSDAP.
  • Very few of them survived past the Cultural Revolution and the excesses of the Red Guards. The breed nearly went extinct in its homeland.
  • In the People's Republic of China, Red Guards were a mass movement of civilians, mostly students and other young people...
  • It was the Red Guard that guaranteed, in the October insurrection, the occupation of public buildings and the Winter Palace, base of Kerensky’s government.
  • Red Guards (also called Workers' Militia) were volunteer armed bands formed by industrial workers in the cities during the Russian Revolution of 1917.
  • When the Red Guards became even more radical and violent in 1967, it was Mao himself who authorised military action to suppress them.
  • They generally possess dark skin, ranging from light brown in hue, to nearly black, and often with a significant red tint.