• They're known to be smarter and have a better survival instinct than other thoroughbreds, so therefore, Roy Mustang, in many senses, is a Mustang in the military.
  • - Albay Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist adlı anime ve manga serisinin kurgusal karakterlerinden biridir.
  • inanılmaz karizmatiktir. ama felaket film bir karakterdir: roy mustang: i will be fuhrer one day. yardımcısı: what will you do when you become fuhrer? roy mustang...
  • Çoğu insan için Roy Mustang, Amestris ordusundaki kadınlar için zorunlu bir üniforma olarak mini etek getirme fikrine takıntılı bir entrikacı ve kariyeristtir .
  • At the snap of his gloved fingers, colonel Roy Mustang can whip up a shower of flame powerful enough to bring even the most naturally gifted alchemist.
  • Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist, is the Colonel in Central and has jurisdiction over most alchemist there.
  • Roy Mustang is the "Flame Alchemist," having absolute control over heat and fire through alchemy.
  • Roy Mustang is the very picture of an attractive, sophisticated man in the prime of life .