• Mountain lakes of Czarny Staw pod Rysami and Morskie Oko seen from Rysy. Rysy (. Polish: [ˈrɨsɨ] ; Slovak: [ˈrisi]; German: Meeraugspitze, Hungarian: Tengerszem-csúcs)...
  • Rysy is the highest mountain of Poland. It lies right on the border with Slovakia and has two main routes — from the Polish and Slovakian sides.
  • If you hike to the Rysy from the Slovak side, you can summit the highest mountain in Poland without ever really hiking in Poland.
  • We climbed Rysy on 28th November in full winter conditions & wow what a climb and a great experience.
  • Rysy (2499 m) is the border peak between Slovakia and Poland in the main ridge of High Tatras.
  • This guide runs through all you need to know about Rysy, with a step-by-step guide to the hike to the top and info on how to get there and where to stay.
  • Those are other destinations to find places related to Rysy: Kriváň.
  • Rysy is the highest peak in the High Tatras that is accessible to walkers without the assistance of a mountain guide.
  • Aynı nedenle, Çekoslovak Komünist Partisi 1956'dan itibaren üç gün boyunca yaklaşık 4.000 yürüyüşçüyü bir araya getiren bir “Uluslararası RYSY Gençlik...