- commons.wikimedia.org wiki/Category:Saint_Gregory…...Լուսավորիչ եկեղեցի (Կարակաս); iglesia de San Gregorio el Iluminador; Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church in Caracas; church building in Caracas, Venezuela...
- Welcome to saint gregory the illuminator armenian catholic cathedral.Bulunamadı: caracas
- OpenTripMap.com en/card/Q4505026La Iglesia de San Gregorio el Iluminador o bien Iglesia Apostólica Armenia San Gregorio Iluminador de Caracas[1] (en armenio: Կարակասի Սուրբ Գրիգոր Լուսավորիչ...
- travelsetu.com guide/saint-gregory-the-…Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church is a significant religious structure settled in the scenic town of Goris, located in the Syunik Province of Armenia.Bulunamadı: caracas
- tripadvisor.com Saint Gregory The Illuminator CathedralIn fact in celebration of its 1700th anniversary of the proclamation of Christianity, they build the St Grigor Lusavorich cathedral as a tribute to St Gregory...Bulunamadı: caracas
- en.wikipedia.org Gregory the IlluminatorGregory the Illuminator was the founder and first official head of the Armenian Apostolic Church. He converted Armenia from Zoroastrianism to Christianity in the early fourth...Bulunamadı: caracas
- armeniadiscovery.com en/place/saint-gregory-the-…Relics of St. Gregory, the Illuminator brought by Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II Nersisyan from the Church of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples in 2000...Bulunamadı: caracas
- visitarmenia.travel en/sights/10The huge cathedral is a complex consisting of three churches: the Cathedral (Main Church) with 1700 seats and the Chapels of St...Bulunamadı: caracas
- worldhistory.org Saint_Gregory_the_Illuminator/Tradition (and the Armenian Apostolic Church) records that Tiridates was cured and converted to his new faith in 301 CE by Saint Gregory.Bulunamadı: caracas
- singaporetravelhub.com attractions/armenian-…The church was built due to the increasing population of Armenian families in Singapore during the 1830s.Bulunamadı: caracas
- harsupesa.am en/churches/1256-saint-gregorySaint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral. Read 1336 times. ... Holy Mother of God Kathoghike Church. St. Sarkis Church (Nor Nork).Bulunamadı: caracas
- roots.gov.sg places/places-landing/Places/…The church was dedicated to Saint Gregory the Illuminator, who was the first Patriarch of Armenia, the first nation in the world to adopt Christianity as the official...Bulunamadı: caracas
Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church
Ermeni apostolik kilisesi