• #python tip: zip() with star-arguments is great for transposing 2-D data: >>> m = [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)] >>> list(zip(*m)) [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]. Sam Zuckerman Retweeted.
  • Sam Zuckerman is former speechwriter for San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank presidents John Williams and Janet Yellen.
  • Keep track of how much of Sam Zuckerman’s work you have seen.
  • Sam Zuckerman has shifted from rugged terrain and open, subalpine conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada to the more humid deciduous and conifer forests of New...
  • Join Facebook to connect with Sam Zuckerman and others you may know.
  • How to find family and friends of Sam Zuckerman?
  • Sam Zuckerman is principal of Accessible Economics, a training, writing, and editing firm making economics and finance understandable.