- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence is a centralized suite for data reporting, visualization, and sharing.
- For complete SAP Business Objects Video training visit;https://mytech-school.com/sap-bobj-video-training...505 bin görüntülemeYayınlandı14 ağu 2013
- SAP Business Objects, is a comprehensive business intelligence (BI) platform that enables organizations to transform raw data into meaningful insights for...
- Business Objects (BO, BOBJ, or BObjects) was an enterprise software company, specializing in business intelligence (BI).
- SAP Business Objects Dashboards, which is a data visualization tool that allows users to create custom dashboards from reports.
- You benefit from the latest business intelligence technologies thanks to the BI package that makes information consumption personal and dynamic.
- SAP BusinessObjects offers a comprehensive product suite with business intelligence capabilities, enabling users to make effective...
- SAP BusinessObjects (SAP BO, SAP BOBJ , SAP Business Objects ) is a suite of reporting and analysis software for business intelligence (BI) platforms.
- SAP BO stands for Business Objects and it is one of the world’s most important makers of BI software.
- Business Objects was purchased by SAP company in the year 2007 from business objects corporation, USA.
- SAP BusinessObjects is a comprehensive suite of business intelligence tools designed to help organizations extract actionable insights from their data.
- Enterprise Reporting: SAP BusinessObjects provides a platform for creating and distributing enterprise-level reports that cover various business functions...
- İlk günden itibaren güncel talepler ve raporlama ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda güncellenen SAP BusinessObjects modern raporlama araçları arasında yerini alıyor.
Genel bilgiler
SAP Business Objects, data miting ve raporlama çözümü için kullanılan bir programdır.
Farklı veri tabanları üzerinde çalışabilen business objects 2007 Ekiminde 6,8 milyar dolara Business İntelligence den SAP tarafından satın alınmıştır ve artık SAP tarafından geliştirilir.
Türkiye distiribütörlüğünü dss technology’nin üstlendiği business objects raporlama işlemlerinde en başarılı uygulamalardan biridir. Bankalar ve bayilikleri bulunan şirketlerin tercih ettiği business objects, daha önce Excel de yapılan raporlamaların web tabanıyla senkron işletilmesi ve tüm kullanıcılar tarafından erişilebilir olmasını sağlıyor.
Kısa bilgiler
- Kuruluş tarihi:1990
- Önemli kişiler:John G. Schwarz
- Web sitesi:
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