• 5 минут
    • 1. В шейкер бросить две большие горсти клюквы, добавить нарезанный крупными кусками грейпфрут. Влить сироп и водку, и тщательно размять всю смесь мадлером, выпустив из грейпфрута и клюквы весь сок.
    • 2. Стакан хайбол наполнить колотым льдом и через стрейнер влить коктейль из шейкера. Украсить долькой грейпфрута.
    Tarifi göster
  • The Sea Breeze Cocktail is typically served in a highball glass, which is a tall and slim glass that’s perfect for holding a refreshing mixed drink.
  • Ah, the Sea Breeze, a classic cocktail born from the depths of despair and irony.
  • The Sea Breeze is an icon of 1980s drinking, a light and refreshing cocktail that pairs perfectly with sunny days at the beach.
  • The Sea Breeze is a classic, fruity vodka cocktail that a perfect refresher while lounging at the beach on a hot summer day.
  • О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам Условия использования Конфиденциальность Правила...
  • 5 cocktails most similar to Sea Breeze - Sea Wolf,Oldboy,Rush,Vanilla Breeze,Salty Dog.
  • A simple vodka cocktail, the sea breeze is an easy recipe of vodka, grapefruit, and cranberry that is refreshing, cheap, and great for any occasion.
  • As the 1980s rolled around, the Sea Breeze cooler underwent a subtle transformation, thanks in part to the collaborative efforts of Ocean Spray and Absolut vodka.
  • A Bay Breeze, or a Hawaiian Sea Breeze, is similar to a Sea Breeze except for the substitution of pineapple juice for grapefruit juice.
  • A sea breeze is a cocktail containing vodka with cranberry juice and grapefruit juice. The cocktail is usually consumed during summer months.