• These are capabilities and features specific to Mozilla Firefox browsers. Selenium 4 requires Firefox 78 or greater.
  • Through WebDriver, Selenium supports all major browsers on the market such as Chrome/Chromium, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari.
  • Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium tests. It is implemented as a Firefox extension, and allows you to record, edit...
  • Wait for the installation to complete, and then restart Firefox. Once Firefox restarts open Selenium IDE by clicking on the Selenium icon in the toolbar.
  • While Selenium supports various browsers, this article focuses on setting up Selenium for the Firefox browser in Python.
  • Let’s go through this detailed tutorial with an example of how to run Selenium tests using Firefox WebDriver (also known as the GeckoDriver).
  • In the following article, we will learn how to setup environment for selenium IDE & selenium Webdriver. Step 1: Installing Firefox We need selenium IDE...
  • To make Firefox work with Python selenium, you need to install the geckodriver. The geckodriver driver will start the real firefox browser and supports Javascript.
  • Mozilla developers introduced Geckodriver, also known as the Selenium FirefoxDriver to help testers to automate browser test on Firefox browsers.
  • selenium_firefox. PyPI - package version PyPI - license PyPI - python version PyPI - downloads. GitHub - last commit GitHub - commit activity.
    • Version:
      2.0.8 · 30 May 2023
    pip install selenium-firefox