• SpatiaLite is an SQLite database engine with spatial functions added.
  • Spatialite is an extension for Sqlite that enables spatial things, such as spatially-aware functions and indexes.
  • Hydrogeological models are saved in independant spatialite databases, located in the models folder defined in the installation Preferences.
  • The simplest way is to use the spatialite.exe executable; it contains all-in-one anything you need in order to get started.
  • SpatiaLite is a spatial extension to SQLite, providing vector geodatabase functionality. It is similar to PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, and SQL Server with spatial extensions...
  • SpatiaLite adds spatial support to SQLite, turning it into a full-featured spatial database.
  • A lightweight database that resides in a single file, Spatialite is portable and hassle-free.
  • SpatiaLite is an open source library intended to extend the SQLite core to support fully fledged Spatial SQL capabilities.
    • Issues:
    • Last commit:
      15 April 2018
  • The SpatiaLite extension enables SQLite to support spatial data too (aka GIS), in a way conformant to OpenGis specifications.