• Kelime ve terimleri çevir ve farklı aksanlarda sesli dinleme. studying çalışma like studying çalışmayı sevmek without studying ne demek.
  • The proper word is “studying,” spelled with a double “d.” The word “studing” is not a word in the English language and is therefore incorrect.
  • Therefore, Austria is a perfect place for studying and livelihood. ... Friend, you'd be better off studying language than boxing.
  • He is a cognitive neuroscientist studying the roles of sleep and dreaming in off-line memory reprocessing, including off-line memory consolidation, transfer...
  • Visualize a student holding two 'y's – emphasizing the double "y" in "studying."
  • The misspelling of "studying" as "studing" may occur because the pronunciation of "studying" and "studing" can be quite similar.
  • Correct spelling, explanation: studying is the correct spelling because y isn’t skipped when we add -ing to a verb.
  • Studying or Studing are two words that are confused and usually misspelled due to their similarity.
  • - But then he fell in love with Jane Wilde, a student studying languages in London.
  • "Studying" is the present participle form of the verb "study," indicating ongoing activity.