- useful_english.en-academic.com 609766/sympathetic…The white area in the upper lobe is cancer; the black areas are discoloration due to smoking.
- pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 23571514/Conclusions: Increased sympathetic nervous system activity, including thermoregulatory activity, might contribute to cachexia in smokers.
- impactfactor.org PDF/IJTPR/14/IJTPR,Vol14,Issue5,…Conclusion: Compared to non-smokers, those who smoke have less parasympathetic activity and more sympathetic activity.
- biomedpharmajournal.org vol9no2/assessment-of-…Most of the studies have been done to assess the sympathetic nerve activity among the smokers who were diabetics and hypertensive.
- researchgate.net publication/359143738_Acute_…Conclusion: The unfavorable responses of sympathetic and arterial pressure to EC smoking are similar to those elicited by TC in healthy habitual smokers.
- translate.academic.ru sympathetic smoker/xx/xx/sympathetic smoker — …
- medpulse.in Physiology/html_13_3_5.phpConclusion: Sympathetic activity is increased and parasympathetic activity is decreased in smokers as compared to non-smokers.
- mayoclinic.elsevierpure.com en/publications/…However, muscle sympathetic nerve activity did not change significantly after smoking in middle-aged subjects (5 ± 8%, NS), despite the increased blood pressures...
- ijcap.org article-download/full-text-epub/13618In sustained handgrip test, rise in blood pressure is decreased in smokers as compared to non-smokers due to reduced sympathetic activity.
- dergipark.org.tr en/download/article-file/106878We have hypothesized that putative role of sympathetic ove-ractivity as a consequence of habitual smoking may affect P wave duration and PWD.