• Five works ascribed to Tacitus have survived (albeit with gaps), the most substantial of which are the Annals and the Histories.
  • Tacitus’ writings often refer to specific individuals mentioned in the Bible.
  • Günümüze kaIan biIgiIere göre Tacitus, yakın arkadaşı Plinius gibi hukuk ve siyasi hayatına hazırIanmak iςin retorik okumuştur.
  • Overall, it’s obvious that Tacitus might be one of the few historians of Roman origin that present a strong enemy in a respectful and praising way.
  • It is not known, and it is the most serious gap, how Tacitus finally handled in detail Domitian’s reputation.
  • Despite a political situation that had provided for his personal success, Tacitus was unhappy with the status quo.
  • haritasında Tacitus

  • Tacitus was born in c.55, perhaps in southern Gaul.
  • anlaşıldığı gibi, tacitus, döneminin hitabet sanatına karşı kendisini sorumlu hissediyordu ki bu eseri yazdı.
  • It is obvious to the reader that Tacitus did not hold Emperor Domitian in high regard.