• Tarantool’s features and capabilities make it well-suited for the following types of solutions.
  • Some of you have probably heard of Tarantool: a super-fast persistent in-memory data store with replication and procedures in Lua.
  • Tarantool is an in-memory computing platform with a flexible data schema, best used for creating high-performance applications.
  • Out-of-the-box cluster manager for Tarantool with a modern web UI.
  • Tarantool: Bird's Eye View. No need for cache: It is in-memory But still DBMS: persistency and transactions.
  • Create an account to connect with tarantool.
  • Tarantool , yüksek yüklü uygulamaların verimli bir şekilde oluşturulması için esnek bir veri şeması bellek içi bilgi işlem platformudur .
  • Copy HTTPS clone URLhttps://gitlab.com/tarantool/tarantool.git.
  • Tarantool is an integration of a Lua application server and a database management system.