• The Black Dahlia is a 2006 American neo-noir crime thriller film directed by Brian De Palma and written by Josh Friedman...
  • Ölümünden sonra Kara Yıldız Çiçeği olarak anılan Elizabeth Short (29 Temmuz 1924 - 15 Ocak 1947), Los Angeles), California'daki Leimert Park mahallesinde öldürülmüş...
  • Mug shots and fingerprint of Elizabeth Short, aka the "Black Dahlia," who was brutally murdered in January 1947.
  • The Black Dahlia’s killer was never found, making her murder one of the oldest cold case files in L.A. to date, as well as the city’s most famous.
  • Dramatically, Steve Hodel, George’s son, who became a police investigator for 17 years, was convinced that George was the killer of Black Dahlia.
  • "The Black Dahlia" (tt0387877) adlı film, Los Angeles'ta 15 Ocak 1947'de boş bir arazide işkence edilmiş bir kadının cesedinin bulunmasıyla başlar.
  • Cehennem Çiçeği Filminin Bilgileri. 18 yaş ve üzeri için uygun.
  • The Black Dahlia's killer was never found, making her murder one of the oldest cold case files in L.A. to date, as well as the city's most famous.
  • Betty hakkında daha sonra onlarca kitap yazıldı ve filmler çevrildi. ('The Blue Dahlia' (1946) 'The Black Dahila' (2006) 'The Black Dahlia' (kitap) James Ellroy.