- lk.99ballov.ru task/view?id=43825The statue of Peter the Great, known as the Bronze Horseman, is a tribute to the founder of St. Petersburg.
- 3.shkolkovo.online catalog/5669/53916…Задание на понимание структурно-смысловых связей в прочитанном тексте Бесплатная открытая база авторских задач формата ЕГЭ по ЕГЭ...
- examwiki.ru the-bronze-horseman-ege-otvety/The historical symbols of St Petersburg are the Bronze Horseman, the angel weather-vane on the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral and the golden ship on...
- znanija.com task/41775143Peter and his horse, E 1. which is rearing up on its hind legs sit atop the cliff, facing the west.
- media.kasperskycontenthub.com wp-content/uploads/…
- reshak.ru otvet/otvet_txt.php…1) When I first saw The Bronze Horseman I feel myself thunderstruck.
- dzen.ru a/YG-Nj8V1yBXwTCsHМедный всадник – the Bronze Horseman ... Надеюсь, данный материал будет полезен для сдающих ЕГЭ по английскому языку.
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- csus.edu indiv/g/grayj/r120/bronzehorseman.pdf
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- york.ac.uk depts/maths/histstat/pml1/bronze_…
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