• The Dick Van Dyke Show is an American sitcom created by Carl Reiner that initially aired on CBS from October 3, 1961, to June 1, 1966...
  • Mary Tyler Moore, Dick Van Dyke, Carl Reiner, Richard Deacon, and Jerry Paris in The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961). ... 158 episodes • 19611966. Rose Marie.
  • But in 1961, when Carl Reiner created The Dick Van Dyke Show to air on CBS, entertainment was the only quality on his mind.
  • The Dick Van Dyke Show is an American television sitcom that initially aired on CBS from October 3, 1961, to June 1, 1966, with a total of 158...
  • The Dick Van Dyke Show is a American television sitcom that first aired on CBS in October 3, 1961, before June 1, 1966.
  • The Dick Van Dyke Show is an American television sitcom that initially aired on CBS from October 3, 1961, until June 1, 1966.
  • The Dick Van Dyke Show is a sitcom that aired on CBS from 1961 until 1966 that starred Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore.
  • The Dick Van Dyke Show is an American television sitcom that initially aired on CBS from October 3, 1961, until June 1, 1966.
  • Comedy, family. Director: Jerry Paris, John Rich, Howard Morris. Starring: Dick Van Dyke, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam and others. Description.
  • On The Dick Van Dyke Show , Rose Marie’s character, Sally Rogers is in constant search for a husband and her quips revolve around that desperation.