- en.wikipedia.org Theatre of BalbusTheatre of Balbus was an ancient Roman structure in the Campus Martius of Rome.Bulunamadı: antik
- ancienttheatrearchive.com theatre/balbus-rome-…The Theatre of Balbus: The theatre, begun by L. Cornelius Balbus after the triumph he celebrated for his victory over the Garamantes in 19 bc and dedicated in...Bulunamadı: antik
- digitalaugustanrome.org records/theatrum-balbus/The smallest of the three stone theaters in Rome, built in th S *Campus Martius by L. Cornelius Balbus (minor), probably after his triumph in 19 B.C. (Pliny, NH...Bulunamadı: antik
- ancientromelive.org theatrum-balbi-theatre-of-…
- buyukansiklopedi.com Théâtre_de_BalbusBalbus Tiyatrosu, Pompey'in MÖ 55 yılında inşa ettiği Roma'daki en büyük tiyatro olan Pompey Tiyatrosu'ndan sonra inşa edilmiştir .
- rome.unicaen.fr monument/theatrebalbus/J.-C., ce théâtre fut construit avec le trésor de guerre du triomphe de L. Cornelius Balbus, ami d’Auguste et banquier de Rome, sur le peuple africain des Garamantes.Bulunamadı: antik
- penelope.uchicago.edu Thayer/E/Gazetteer/Places/…Four small columns of onyx, set up by Balbus in his theatre, were regarded at that time as very wonderful (Plin.Bulunamadı: antik
- romapedia.blogspot.com 2020/01/balbos-theater.htmlIt is the third and smallest theater in the Campus Martius According to the Regional Catalogues it contained 11,510 spectators.Bulunamadı: antik
- OpenTripMap.com en/card/Q2734384
- eaglesanddragonspublishing.com tag/theatre-of-…