• function Trunc(X: Real): Int64; Truncates a real number to an integer. In Delphi code, the Trunc function truncates a real-type value to an integer-type value.
  • Trunc Function. The integer part of a floating point number. System unit. ... The Trunc function returns the integer part of a floating point number.
  • look the follow code, why the result of Trunc function is different? procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var D: Double; E: Extended...
  • function Trunc ( const Number : Extended ) : Integer ... Round(12.75) = 13 Trunc(12.75) = 12 Int(12.75) = 12 Frac(12.75) = 0.75.
  • Learn Delphi Programming | Unit 15.8 | Mathematical Functions | Frac and Trunc.
  • Bu fonksiyon Tam sayı, Int fonksiyonu Reel sayı döndürür) (Trunc fonksiyonu Int fonksiyonuna göre yavaştır). ... Delphi 1.0 Uygulama Tasarım.
  • Trunc(ondalıklı_sayı); Parametre olarak girilen ondalıklı sayının tam kısmını döndüren matematiksel bir fonksiyondur.
  • Three functions are provided in Delphi ... Why is Trunc slow? Looking at the ASM code in System, Trunc has 11 lines of instructions, and Round has only 5 lines.
  • The Trunc function truncates a floating-point value by discarding the fractional part (round towards zero). Unlike Int, Trunc returns an integer result.
  • 2.trunc (get the integer part of X) Such as: trunc (-123.55) = - 123, floor (123.55) = 123. 3.ceil (to obtain the smallest integer greater than or equal to X).