• Write the nationalities. 1. Russia _ 2. France _ 3. Japan _ 4. the USA _ 5. the UK _ 6. Canada _ 7. Australia _.
  • Here are some nationalities: 1. American. 2. British. 3. Canadian.
  • Similar presentations: How to write an abstract. ... Write the nationalities. 1. English Русский Rules.
  • Write the nationalities. Home >>> My Courses >>> The English Hub >>> THE with Objects >>> Write the nationalities.
  • The word 'Nationality' is not often used in spoken English. It is a formal and official word and it appears more frequently in written English.
  • Find the mistake and write the correct word or words on the line. 0 John enjoys going camping with his family. This year they are go to take going 1 their...
  • Write the Nationalities. Print. Share. ... Focus Mode URL. https://crosswordlabs.com/embed/write-the-nationalities.
  • European countries and nationalities 1 - write. Vocabulary exercises - elementary and intermediate level esl.
  • Complete the sentences I'm(name). I'm from(country)/ I'm(nationality).
  • 14. Dictation - Listen and write click here. Megan's Interview -. Ecoute, complète puis répète le dialogue (Workbook page 27).