• Why ZeroMQ? ZeroMQ (also known as ØMQ, 0MQ, or zmq) looks like an embeddable networking library but acts like a concurrency framework.
  • zmq4 is just a wrapper for the ZeroMQ library. It doesn’t include the library itself. So you need to have ZeroMQ installed, including its development files.
  • Note: The Node.js examples on zeromq.org do not yet reflect the new API, but the Guide in particular is still a good introduction to ZeroMQ for new users.
  • we have seen how zeromq solves few of the common problems in distributed messaging you can checkout the various patterns available in the zeromq docs.
  • Introduction to ZeroMQ. ZeroMQ is an open-source asynchronous messaging library that simplifies the development of distributed and concurrent applications.
  • It has a score of language APIs and runs on most operating systems. ZeroMQ is from iMatix and is LGPLv3 open source.
  • 2.2 Sending and Receiving ZeroMQ Messages ℹ. A ZeroMQ message consists of one or more frames (represented by byte strings).
  • The ZeroMQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging...
    • Issues:
    • Last commit:
      9 October 2023
  • Before getting started with any ZeroMQ library functions, you'll need to create a context (the relevant set of data needed to complete a task).
  • InfoQ Homepage ZeroMQ Content on InfoQ. ... Distribution, Scale and Flexibility with ZeroMQ. Pieter Hintjens. on Feb 02, 2014.