• You can use a GNOME tool to edit your sources.list file. Access it through Menu → System → Administration → Software Sources.
  • The /etc/apt/sources.list file consists of lines that specify the locations from which to retrieve packages. Each line in the file follows this general format
  • Configuring APT sources involves editing the /etc/apt/sources.list file. This file contains a list of repository URLs that your system will use to fetch packages.
  • To configure the sources.list on Debian 12 for ensuring the latest updates of security and softwares, open the sources.list file located at /etc/apt directory.
  • How Do I View the Source List in Linux?# To view the sources list of Ubuntu, you can go to the Software & Updates application and select the Other Software tab.
  • If you decide to add other repositories to sources.list, make sure that the repository is meant to work (and known to work) with Ubuntu.
  • APT needs to be given a “list of package sources”: the file /etc/apt/sources.list will list the different repositories (or “sources”) that publish Debian packages.
  • Understanding the concept of sources.list in Ubuntu will help you understand and fix common update errors in Ubuntu and Debian based distros.
  • Before modifying the sources.list, create a backup using: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup to ensure safe repository changes.
  • To set up a Debian 11 official repository on your system, add/update the /etc/apt/sources.list file with the below details.