• At a terrible time, in which fear and apocalyptic concerns prevail, East Timor represents a ray of light and hope.
  • She is a terrible actress and the character is even worse. ... A terrible monster lives inside the mirror and it devours crybabies.
  • Çevrilmiş örnek cümle: My thoughts and prayers are with all those who were affected by this terrible tragedy. ↔ Dua ve dileklerim bu korkunç faciadan tüm...
  • Of course, such experiments on animals also raise moral issues, especially in the absence of any justification based on curing terrible diseases.
  • Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster I often have the most terrible nightmares = dreadful + terribly ter·ri·bly My...
  • 2024 Really, the spine of the movie is a story of a mother who is in the midst of a terrible grief of having lost her youngest child.
  • If something is terrible, it causes people to feel terror or fear.
  • Sıfat müthiş, korkunç, dehşet verici, dehşetli. a terrible winter/cold. a terrible accident. terrible war. ... We had a terrible time on holiday.
  • ı'm terrible, terrible, shouldn't be allowed to sing my songs of filth to a decent crowd.