• Pliva River though is different – during the spring floods or after heavy autumn rains it turns into a fierce torrent but in summer it may dry up almost completely.
  • Beside its beauty, Pliva is also known to fisherman as a very demanding river, where fishing is done with long leaders & tippets, exceeding the 5m length.
  • Гистограмма просмотров видео «Плива - Еще Одна Прекрасная Боснийская Река, Которую Стоит Посетить, Если В В Боснии...
  • Secluded in the Vrbas River valley, between Banja Luka and Jajce, these exceedingly pretty cascades are rendered even more photogenic by a set of log…
  • В самом центре городка Яйце находится большой водопад, образованный слиянием рек Плива и Вбрас.
  • Пливский водопад соединяет две реки: собственно, создает его Плива, текущая поверху, а попадает вода уже в находящийся ниже Врбас.
  • The Pliva River rises from two springs in Smiljevac and Jastrebnjak mountains, at 483 m, which join into a stream after 300 meters.
  • River Pliva is the river of West Bosnia .Source is located in village Pljeva , about 6 km upstream of small town Sipovo.
  • Pliva is a river in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a length of 33 kilometers and a basin with an area of 768 km².