• Harlech was built on one of the most secure spots any castle was erected upon, sited on a rocky crag which rose straight out of the sea (today the sea has receded).
  • Harlech, a combination of magnificent medieval architecture and breathtaking location, is an unmissable castle, a fact reinforced by its status as a World Heritage...
  • Information about visiting Harlech Castle is available on the Cadw website.
  • Harlech is a beautiful castle and very different from castles nearby and elsewhere in Britain.
  • Harlech was garrisoned by 36 people, including 10 crossbowmen, a chaplain, blacksmith, carpenter and stonemason.
  • Eventually, Harlech Castle was established with a garrison of 36 men, including 10 crossbowmen, a constable and a chaplain.
  • О замке Харлех имеется много легенд и сказаний, которые передаются из уст в уста и делают его еще более популярным среди туристов.
  • Harlech is dominated by its castle, which has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Харлек был одним из многочисленных замков, построенных англичанами на валлийской земле, чтобы «раздробить» кельтский монолит и...
  • Харлех – это наглядный пример замка концентрического типа, имевшего естественные преграды в виде скалистых обрывов с трех сторон.