• The Cardiff Castle Interpretation Centre, Cardiff, South Wales. ... Cardiff Castle is a hive of activity throughout the year, with all kinds of events taking place.
  • Cardiff Castle is a medieval castle in Wales consisting of an 11th century Norman Keep and a lavish collection of 19th century state rooms.
  • Замок был построен в Викторианскую эпоху, но вдохновлялись зодчие готической и средневековой эстетикой.
  • Cardiff Castle was first built in the 11th century by the Normans to control their newly conquered territory in South Wales.
  • Часы работы замка Кардифф: открыто ежедневно, кроме 25 и 26 декабря и 1 января.
  • Cardiff Castle is an impressive mediaeval castle located in the south of Wales, UK.
  • Cardiff Castle does all it can to welcome everyone to its building, however, this is a historic building and some areas have limited access.
  • Считается, что именно он построил первый каменный замок в Кардиффе.
  • Керамика замка Кардифф в духе всего убранства представляет собой переплетение времён и стилей.
  • In 1314, Cardiff Castle went to the Despenser family through the marriage of Elizabeth de Clare (founder of Clare College, in Cambridge) to Hugh Despenser.