• Ульстер (Улад) был северной пятиной (королевством) в древней Ирландии со столицей в Эмайн Махе, описанной преимущественно по преданиям...
  • The Irish Free State left the United Kingdom in 1922, but the six northern counties of Ulster with Protesant majorities voted to remain with Britain.
  • Ольстер (англ. Ulster, ирл. Cúige Uladh) — одна из четырёх исторических провинций Ирландии, объединяющая в настоящее время девять графств на...
  • Renaming Northern Ireland to Ulster had been considered after the Free State had seceded, though the idea lost impetus.
  • When Ireland was partitioned in 1922, the counties of Ulster were allowed to vote on whether to join the Irish Free State or remain in the United Kingdom.
  • "Three of Ulster's six counties, as well as the towns of Bangor and Dungannon, have the Red Hand as part of their official emblems" .
  • The first thing that must be remarked upon with regard to the Scots and the plantations of Ulster is the dramatic reversal of affairs consequent on James VI of...
  • This was strongly opposed by the Ulster Unionist Party, the party of the Protestants, under their implacable leader Edward Carson.
  • If you would like to apply to join the Kingdom of Ulster, put your information here to be considered or send it to kingdom_of_ulster@hotmail.com.
  • Все сюжеты саг воинственного Цикла Кухулина сосредоточены вокруг Ульстера, тогда как Цикл Финна — повести о простых людях...