• Сага повествует о распре между двумя знатными областями — Коннахтом и Ульстером, причем во главе первого стоит королева Медб...
  • Первым союзом в рамках всего острова была "Пентархия" - объединение пяти королевств (туатов, пятин) - Улада (Ульстера), Коннахта (Коннаута)...
  • This was strongly opposed by the Ulster Unionist Party, the party of the Protestants, under their implacable leader Edward Carson.
  • What distinguished the Ulster plantation from other 17th century plantations of Ireland was the addition of Scottish settlers.
  • The Kingdom of Ireland, Divided as Much into the …
  • During the second year of Cimbaeth, Macha’s uncle/husband, in Ulster, he became the high king of Ireland, which he ruled in Tara for 27 years with Macha.
  • Выше Хамбера мелкие королевства Старого Севера соперничают друг с другом за господство в регионе, почти незатронутым влиянием римской культуры.
  • Great Britain and Ulster Ireland's national animal is the Lion, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is Christianity.
  • The Earldom of Ulster was an Anglo-Norman lordship in north-eastern Ireland during the Middle Ages, ruled by the Earls of Ulster and part of the Lordship of Ireland.
  • Hugh de Lacy captured John de Courcy in 1204 and a year later created the Earl of Ulster in what was de Courcy’s territory.