• Eugene Wigner led a research group to design reactors to convert uranium into weapon grade plutonium.
  • Eugene Wigner was a Hungarian-American physicist and mathematician, known for his significant contributions to quantum mechanics and the theory of nuclear...
  • Eugene Wigner, 4 Haziran 1941 tarihinde fizik profesörü Mary Annette Wheeler ile evlendi.
  • Eugene Wigner is most famous for his work in quantum mechanics. He is credited with the discovery of the Wigner's Friend paradox, and he was awarded the...
  • Wigner won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963 for his work in the fundamental mathematics and physics of quantum mechanics.
  • In 1979, Wigner married his third wife, Eileen Clare-Patton (Pat) Hamilton, the widow of physicist Donald Ross Hamilton, the dean of the graduate school at...
  • Jenő Pál Wigner, orta sınıf bir Yahudi aileden geliyordu ve 1915'ten 1919'a kadar Budapeşte'deki Lutheran Klasik Lisesi'ne ( Fasori Evangélikus Gimnázium...
  • 90 yaşında, Andrew Santon ile birlikte The Memoirs of Eugene P. Wigner adlı anı kitabını yayınladı .
  • Learn more about Eugene Wigner at JewishContributions – The best place for discovering Jewish people’s contributions to Sciences.
  • In 1992, at the age of 90, he published a memoir, The Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner (assisted by Andrew Szanton).