• XIV. Louis ya da Büyük Louis olarak da bilinen Louis, 1643-1715 yılları arasında Fransa Kralı olarak görev yapmıştır.
  • Quite contrary to that apocryphal quote, Louis XIV is actually reported to have said on his death bed: "Je m'en vais, mais l'État demeurera toujours."
  • Louis XIV (Louis-Dieudonné) (September 5, 1638 – September 1, 1715) ruled as King of France and of Navarre from May 14, 1643 until his death just prior to his 77 birthday.
  • 14 May. Death of Louis XIII, accession of Louis XIV, regency of his mother - having set aside the will of Louis XIII -with Mazarin as ,first minister'.
  • Louis XIV raised the absolute monarchy to the level that a king equipped with divine rights could have, as the chief minister Cardinal Mazarin taught him.
  • In 1643, Louis XIII died of tuberculosis and his four-and-a-half--year-old son, the Dauphin Louis, succeeded to the throne as Louis XIV, with his mother as regent.
  • Yıllar boyunca XIV. Louis, çeşitli alanlarda birçok insanın araştırma ve ilgi konusu olmuştur. Psikolojiden astronomiye, tarih, edebiyat ve sosyolojiye kadar XIV.
  • Louis XIV of France was born Louis Dieudonné on 5 September 1638, in the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, to King Louis XIII and Anne of Austria.
  • Louis, annesi Avusturya kraliçesi Anne’dir. Louis Dieudonné’den (vaftiz edildiği ismi) önce annesi dört ölü doğum yaptığı için XIV.
  • Louis XIV (1638-1715), the "The Sun King" (Roi soleil), was the king of France from childhood to old age, 1643 to 1715.