• Драгомирна – чрезвычайно интересное место ещё и тем, что там живут липоване, им принадлежит часть села со своей церковью.
  • The small chapel in the cemetery of Dragomirna, just outside the walls, was built in 1602 and is considered to be the scale model of the church of the monastery.
  • Драгомирна — село в Буковине (в Австро-Венгрии) с правосл. монастырем, учрежденным в 1602 г. В окрестностях Д. находятся поселения русских...
  • Dragomirna Monastery is a fortified monastic complex in Romania, built between 1602-1609.
  • The monastery of Dragomirna was built in a marvellous area, close to the forest, beyond the village Mitocul Dragomirnei, 12 kilometres from the town of Suceava.
  • About 10km north of Suceava in Mitocul Dragomirnei, the 60-nun-strong Dragomirna Monastery was founded between 1602 and 1609 by scholar, calligrapher
  • The church at Dragomirna is decorated with splendid frescoes, but they are to be found only in the altar and the nave.
  • The Dragomirna Monastery was built during the first three decades of the 17th century, 15 km from Suceava, in the Mitocu Dragomirnei commune.
  • Read Expedia's guide to find out everything you need to know about visiting Dragomirna Monastery!
  • Это один из двух самых больших и красивейших (наряду с Драгомирной) женских монастырей Буковины.