• However, uWSGI supports more than just Python; it supports many other types of applications, such as ones written in Ruby, Perl, PHP, or even Go.
  • Find Divio's how-to guide to managing uWSGI configuration. In our Django apps, the uWSGI gateway to load-balancers is part of customer apps.
  • It didn’t work “as advertised” for me, but was nonetheless very helpful. Basic Installation. The fun begins when you simply install both components, nginx and uWSGI.
  • Anytime you’re working with uWSGI there are multiple ways to do things, but here’s how I do things for RockClimbing.com.
  • Nginx uwsgi is an application server container that aims for providing the full stack for deploying and developing the services and web applications.
  • If you are already using nginx with uWSGI to handle the dynamic Django requests, then you might as well let nginx take care of serving the static files.
    • --http :8000 tells uWsgi to run an http server on port 8000.
    • --wsgi-file my_test.py points to a python file with a WSGI application in it
  • And as I mentioned in the beginning, with NGINX such a setup can be implemented using uWSGI. uWSGI is exactly a kind of “backend server” I mentioned above.
  • Deploying Django to production with uWSGI. There are many posts about dockerizing Django apps but I feel like there's some room for improvement.
  • Communication between web server and Django with uWSGI via sockets. Using uWSGI as a systemd job, the preferred way to start processes in Ubuntu.