• The Kintyre Way Ultra was first run in 2007, from Tarbert to Campbeltown.
  • The Kintyre Peninsula is a beautiful, yet under appreciated corner of Scotland.
  • Именно Кинтайр стал ядром кельтского королевства Дал Риада, распространившего в VII—VIII веках свою власть на большую часть западной Шотландии...
  • Kintyre Pursuivant of Arms in Ordinary, one of the officers of arms at the Court of the Lord Lyon is named after this peninsula.
  • The remote Kintyre peninsula on Scotland's west coast has a lot to offer - here are 13 things to do in Kintyre and enjoy Scotland to the fullest!
  • Kintyre is a peninsula in western Scotland, in the southwest of Argyll and Bute.
  • Visit Kintyre to experience the pure, natural beauty of this region where you can find coastal gems from all over Scotland.
  • Кинтайр (шотландский гэльский : Cinn Tìre, шотландское гэльское произношение: ) - это полуостров на западе Шотландия, на юго-западе Аргайл и Бьют.
  • Кинтайр (шотландский гэльский : Cinn Tìre, шотландское гэльское произношение: ) - это полуостров на западе Шотландия, на юго-западе Аргайл и Бьют.
  • The Kintyre peninsula in the southwest of Scotland is famous for two things.