• Most direct competitors of the IBM PC were produced by companies that manufactured calculators, cash registers, and other business oriented machines.
  • August 12, 1981 marks the birth of the IBM PC, the computer that single-handedly turned personal computing to the business market.
  • Sales exceeded IBM's expectations by as much as 800%, with the company at one point shipping as many as 40,000 PCs per month.
  • The first IBM PC keyboard, seen here, borrowed heavily from the industrial-strength IBM System/23 Datamaster computer which preceded it.
  • Thus, the expensive modification of the IBM PC was created for business (where, by the way, it became quite widespread), and cheaper for the home.
  • The IBM 5150 was IBM's entry into the personal computer marketplace; the IBM PC. It was introduced in stores on 1981-08-12.
  • KEN TIMMONS: I started back in 1979 right out of school working on what might be called the precursor to the PC, the IBM Series 1...
  • The IBM Personal Computer, known as the IBM PC, is the original version and progenitor of the IBM PC compatible hardware platform.
  • And once the IBM PC became a commercial success the PC came back under 'normal' IBM mangement control, with the result that competitors had little trouble...
  • IBM® PC Series 300: Diskette Disk: std-max internal.