• Currently, Linnea is exploring biosynthetic futures at Interactive Institute Swedish ICT.
  • Chromosomal organization of biosynthetic gene clusters, including those of nine novel species, suggests plasticity of myxobacterial specialized metabolism.
  • Biological engineers at Utah State University have successfully decoded and reprogrammed the biosynthetic machinery that produces a variety of...
  • Both plants and animals produce functional secondary metabolites, as a result of digestion and processing of food molecules or from biosynthetic pathways.
  • The amount and activity of each enzyme in these biosynthetic pathways are carefully regulated so that the cell produces only as much of any compound as is...
  • Biosynthetic versus Catabolic Reactions. The synthesis of large molecules from smaller compounds involves the net reduction of carbon, as in the synthesis of...
  • Как правильно пишется слово «биосинтетический». Definition of «biosynthetic» at WordTools.ai (английский язык).
  • Related biosynthetic pathways have been found throughout the animal tree of life, including in vertebrates such as fish, but not mammals (.