• Based on the EDUopinions rankings, the Lublin University of Technology rating is 4.0.
  • Browse top departments for Lublin University of Technology on Academia.edu.
  • There is no information found on scholarships or financial aids offered by Lublin University of Technology.
  • Find every English-taught Master's & Bachelor's degree from the Lublin University of Technology, organized by subjects and best info to help you select the...
  • Lublin University of Technology (LUT) is a major education centre and an advisory unit in the city of Lublin, capital of Lublin Province, located in south eastern...
  • Find the latest world rank for Lublin University of Technology and key information for prospective students..
  • Studies conducted for the needs of this paper were performed at the Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) and Lublin University of Technology (LUT).
  • The Lublin University of Technology was established as Evening Engineering School in May 1953 on the initiative of Lublin technical societies.
  • Lublin University of Technology was established as Evening Engineering School in May 1953 on initiative of Lublin technical societies.
  • The media services of the Lublin University of Technology, supported by qualified audio-visual technicians, are considerable and they are available to assist...