• Fallout uses a skill-based system to allow you to fine tune your character.
  • Fallout's controls and gameplay mechanics are both intuitive and detailed, accommodating both novice players and RPG veterans.
  • 2.49 USD. Windows, Linux. Fallout is one of the greatest RPG games out there. It's set in the post-nuclear, dangerous world of violence and radiation.
  • It is not set in any particular locale, though the majority of the game's content is based on Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.
  • Fallout, tüm zamanların en iyi video oyunu serilerinden biri olarak kabul edilir.
  • 200 years after the apocalypse, the gentle denizens of luxury fallout shelters are forced to return to the irradiated hellscape their ancestors left behind — and are...
  • 200 years after the apocalypse, the gentle denizens of luxury fallout shelters are forced to return to the irradiated hellscape their ancestors left behind — and are...
  • As a spin-off that ties into the world of the wastelands, Fallout Shelter is a great free-to-play management sim that will keep you hooked with its sense of...