• A malevolent presence has returned to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out, corrupting everything that remains in the Forgotten Realms.
  • Erken Erişim’de en çok tartışılan mevzulardan birisi bu oyunun adının neden Divinity: Original Sin 3 değil de Baldurs Gate 3 olduğuydu.
  • Özellikle Dungeons & Dragons hayranlarının heyecanla beklediği Baldurs Gate 3, detaylı karakter yaratma ve sağlam savaş sistemleriyle dikkat çekiyor.
  • Baldur's Gate 3 is a singleplayer and multiplayer RPG game developed and published by Larian Studios. It is the eleventh overall entry in the Baldur's Gate series.
  • A screenshot from a dialogue moment in Baldur's Gate 3, in which the old and heavily armoured villain Ketheric Thorm points at lithe and more scantily clad...
  • Epilogue – The Epilogue is a final goodbye to your companions that takes place six months after the events of Baldurs Gate 3, giving you a nice conclusion to your...
  • Baldur's Gate 3 guides and walkthroughs are something that we all make use of from time to time, whether it's working out how to beat a boss, find a treasure...
  • An ancient evil has returned to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out.
  • Part of the joy of Baldurs Gate 3 is making choices and seeing where it goes, instead of frantically Googling ‘OP BG3 Builds’ and picking the top result.
  • The post covers Eldritch Knight Build for Baldur's Gate 3. Take an uncanny role with this subclass as the ultimate Weapon Thrower, thanks to Tavern Brawler fe.