• Kaarle Halme, a pioneer of dramatic art, founded the Tampere Theatre with the help of the city´s businessmen and indrustrialists in 1904.
  • Tampere Theatre is a unique and vibrant destination for those looking for a night of entertainment, a cultural experience, or an educational opportunity.
  • Attractions on the high standard seven-day programme range from new drama, contemporary theatre and modernised classics to dance theatre...
  • The Tampere Theater is located centrally at the Keskatori, close to the Vanha Church.
  • This theatre produces some of the biggest theatre productions in Tampere yearly.
  • Pyynikki Summer Theatre is an open-air theatre operating in Tampere, Finland, known especially for its revolving auditorium.
  • Tampere Theatre (Finnish : Tampereen Teatteri) teatteri ana etkinliğinden biridir Tampere , Finlandiya , Tampere İşçi Tiyatrosu ile birlikte. Tiyatro 1904'te başladı.
  • The Tampere Theatre is one of the two main active theatres in Tampere, Finland, along with the Tampere Workers' Theatre.
  • Tampere Tiyatrosu (Fince: Tampereen Teatteri) iki ana aktiften biridir tiyatrolar içinde Tampere, Finlandiya, ile birlikte Tampere İşçi Tiyatrosu.