• ...of his nephew Harry Potter Vernon Dursley was an English Muggle, husband of Petunia Evans, father of Dudley Dursley, and uncle by marriage of Harry Potter.
  • ...of his nephew Harry Potter Vernon Dursley was an English Muggle, husband of Petunia Evans, father of Dudley Dursley, and uncle by marriage of Harry Potter.
  • Argus Filch. Vernon Dursley. ... Dudley Dursley. Lily Potter.
  • Vernon and Petunia Dursley live at number 4 Privet Drive. They are Harry Potter’s Aunt and Uncle; Harry’s mother Lily was Petunia’s sister.
  • Harry Potter ve Ölüm Yadigarları kitabının başında Harry Potter, onların iyiliği için Dursley ailesini terk ediyor. Kuzeni Dudley elini sıkıyor, Vernon her zamanki gibi...
  • ...of his nephew Harry Potter Vernon Dursley was an English Muggle, husband of Petunia Evans, father of Dudley Dursley, and uncle by marriage of Harry Potter.
  • Ever since the infant Harry was unceremoniously dumped upon the Dursley doorstep, poor old Vernon has had to bite his fat lip and accept the fact that he has...
  • 4. petunia met vernon dursley and marries him. his job was being the director of a firm that made drills. which are made of steel. steelworks anyone?
  • Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Vernon Dursley from Harry Potter Wizarding World Films and what is the personality traits.
  • "Vernon Dursley hangi kişilik türü? Vernon Dursley, MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 683 'de ESTJ kişilik türüdür, SLOEN, SLOEN, büyük 5, LSI' dır."