• To get in the mood for a visit here, you should definitely listen to the song “Kostroma” by Russian folk-pop group Ivan Kupala, which lists everything the city is...
  • Сергей Ситников выступал в областной Думе с ежегодным отчётом и коснулся темы здравоохранения.
  • Интересные события в Костроме: трансляции онлайн и полные видеозаписи...
  • We tell you about the famous and non-trivial sights of Kostroma, seeing which, you will easily fall in love with this Volga city!
  • Kostroma, şehir ve idari merkezi Kostroma oblast (bölge), batı Rusya. Moskova'nın yaklaşık 200 mil kuzeydoğusunda, orta Volga Nehri boyunca uzanır.
  • The population of Kostroma is about 270 thousand people. It has a high industrial potential and developed transportation system.
  • г. Кострома г. Волгореченск г. Нерехта п. Апраксино д. Афёрово д. Жужелино д. Зарубино п. Зарубино д. Казанка п. Караваево д. Каримово д. Катино...
  • On the territory of the Kostroma region flows the Volga river, famous in Russia, and small rivers entering its basin: Vetluga, Kostroma and others.
  • Kostroma is the center of Kostroma region and is located 350 kilometers north-east of Moscow. It was founded in 1152, where the Kostroma river meets Volga.