• Bazel options may be stored in *.bazelrc files, in several places on disk. The full documentation is at https://bazel.build/run/bazelrc.
  • License: Apache-2.0. Formula JSON API: /api/formula/bazel.json. Formula code: bazel.rb on GitHub. ... Analytics: Installs (30 days). bazel.
    • Version:
    • License:
    brew install bazel
  • Learn about the benefits and challenges of using Bazel, Google's open-source monorepo build system, from experts who have experience with it.
  • Learning more about Bazel The Bazel docs are quite good. Suggested reading order if you are new to Bazel: Getting Started with Bazel and C++ WORKSPACE.
  • Only on Linux; Bazel does not perform a system call. --bazelrc <bazelrc path>. The location of the user .bazelrc file containing default values of Bazel options.
  • It uses a human-readable, high-level build language. Bazel supports projects in multiple languages and builds outputs for multiple platforms.
  • Bazel, an open-source build and test tool, can output graphviz dependency graphs. This graph is generated querying the source of Abseil, a C++ library, for all the...
  • Take a look at the rules_nixpkgs guide to get started. You can gradually integrate Nix with your Bazel project, without the need to fully commit to it.
  • In this blog-post, we will install Bazel on Jetson. First, we will download bazelisk-linux-arm64 file from github bazelisk library.