• The Palatine Hill is the most important hill in Rome, it is where according to the foundation legends of Rome that Romulus and Remus...
  • The Palatine hill is in fact where we get our word palace from, and the excessive splendours of these massive structures make it easy to see why.
  • A little of history of the Palatine. According to an ancient tradition, it was in this hill that Romulo built the first nucleus of Roma in the second half of the 8th century...
  • Cassius Dio - Book LIV The house of Romulus on the south-west corner of the Palatine hill, represented by a hut of straw with a thatched roof...
  • No doubt other huts lie unexcavated beneath later classical buildings on the Palatine, as they are also known to do on some of the other hills of Rome.
  • The Palatine Hill Rome is full of ruins of ancient and imperial palaces and buildings that give a window into the story of Rome and those who resided within the city
  • All you need to know about the Palatine Hill of Rome: discover its significance and role in the history of Rome + tips for visiting this incredible Rome site.
  • It was the Emperor Augustus who had upped the prestige of the Palatine Hill, by settling there and by building a.o. the Temple of Apollo.
  • Palatine Hill is the most central of the seven hills which together form the heart of Rome. In Roman mythology, this is place where Romulus founded the city of Rome.
  • Tickets purchased via tiquets.com - advise to buy a month in advance, the ticket admission includes the Collisuem as well as the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.