• In order to avoid having your service stopped accidentally by users, you need to add the android:description attribute to the <service> element in your app manifest.
  • Android services are essential components that allow applications to perform long-running tasks in the background without a user interface.
  • The android:process field defines the name of the process where the service is to run.
  • Create a new java file MyService.java under the package com.android_services. This file will have implementation of Android service related methods.
  • Services run with a higher priority than inactive or invisible activities and therefore it is less likely that the Android system terminates them.
  • HostNfcFService is a convenience Service class that can be extended to emulate an NFC-F card inside an Android service component.
  • An Android Service is a component that helps execute long-running processes, like updating a database or server, running a countdown and playing audio.
  • Android Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background, and it does not provide a user interface.
  • Öncelikle Android Service nedir ,ne işe yarar ve Android Activity lerden farkı nedir onlardan bahsetmek istiyorum.
  • Note: The android.app.Service is a subclass of ContextWrapper class and Android service is not a thread or separate process.