• Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic, mainly used to treat bacterial infections, especially those caused by gram-negative bacteria .
  • Brand names/Manufacturer: Genoptic®/Allergan; Gentak®/Akorn; Garamycin®/Shering; Gentamicin (Various generic manufacturers worldwide).
  • Alternatively, 5-7 mg/kg once daily via IV infusion over 30-120 minutes, then adjusted based on serum gentamicin concentrations.
  • 4 cartridges of 50 disks of 10 μg gentamicin to test microbial susceptibility by diffusion on agar plates.
  • Gentamicin is also used with other antibiotics to treat infections caused by organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and certain streptococcal species.
  • Because gentamicin shows an affinity for renal tissue and penetrates otoperilymph, excess gentamicin levels can cause renal toxicity and ototoxicity.
  • relative contraindications. indications. initial empirical iv gentamicin dose in ED where "once daily" regime is applicable. administration. subsequent dosing.
  • Getting inside the cells of bacteria through the membrane, gentamicin specifically depresses the synthesis of the protein of the pathogen.
  • 2024 Injections: Getting injections of the antibiotic gentamicin into the middle ear can reduce the incidence of vertigo while preserving hearing in the ear.