• We in the Left Bloc (Bloco de Esquerda) had a clear view that the government would not last until the end of the legislature with its majority.
  • This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the foundation in Portugal of the Bloco de Esquerda (BE, Left Bloc), which was created as a unique political...
  • Portugal's Left Bloc has announced the delivery of a bill in parliament to prohibit the "sale of property in national territory to individuals or companies, with their own...
  • Socialismo Revolucionário (CWI in Portugal) is being targeted by the leadership of the Left Bloc, with threats of expulsions and exclusions.
  • The Left Bloc is campaigning vigorously against the danger represented by Chega and its potential alliance with the centre right parties.
  • by Left Bloc Lisbon, May 23rd 2010 This is a working document, discussed on a enlarged meeting of the Poitical Commission of Bloco de Esquerda.
  • of Hungary Migration in Europe Poland Razem (Poland) Portugal Bloco de Esquerda(BE) / Left Bloc, Portugal Scotland Celtic Soccer Fans Scottish Independence...
  • This resolution was adopted by the political leadership of the Bloco de Esquerda (Left Bloc), Portugal on 1 June 2014.
  • Portuguese seçmen bunları sınavda sıraladı. ... Left Bloc’s politikalarına politik inancınız ne kadar benzer? Öğrenmek için politik testini yapın.
  • ...years and herald a return to the “moral, theoretical and political bankruptcy” that followed the 2008 financial crisis, the leader of the small Left Bloc party has said.