• Introducing GR-7 No More Grey Hair, the cornerstone of GR-7 Professional’s innovative approach to Grey Hair Treatment.
  • Whether you are experiencing problems with hair loss or seeing the first signs of hair greying, GR-7 has a solution for you.
  • Like all the Gran Recorrido paths, the GR 7 is marked with red and white waymarks. These waymarks, at least on some segments of the trail, are few and faded.
  • A = Base model; B,C, etc = Later developments. GR7BB -GR7BD are changes that were made through the lifespan of that 750 model from 1992-1995.
  • მას შემდეგ, რაც ფერი სრულად აღდგება, GR-7 "არა ჭაღარას" წასმა საჭიროა კვირაში მხოლოდ ერთხელ ან ორჯერ.
  • Started by its founder's quest to reclaim his youthful hair colour, GR-7 offers a unique, effective approach to reverse grey hair.
  • The GR7 had its maiden flight in May 1990 and made its first operational deployment in August 1995 over the former Yugoslavia.